I have followed the call all over the world. but the biggest call was to write these books, with raw honesty, humanness, and divinity. These Books are Medicine, and inside holds Codes for those who are bringing in the New Earth
I wrote my first book, ‘Awakening of the Western Woman,’ in 2017, weaving in the codes of divine union, unity, healing to awaken the callings of your soul.
No sooner had I completed the first book and published it, spirit sat me back down like a firm father and did not let up until book two was completed Earth Chakra Shaman The Earth’s Grid was calling us all back home. time was of the essence. I handed in my final edit to the editor January 5th 2020. 2 days later I was on a plane to Australia for a huge grid activation before the crumbling of the old world began.
Book 3 is not ready to be birthed yet… but watch this space.
It is now 2023 as I write this, the books have trickled their way across the globe in their own way. I was never a natural marketer, but the books seeed to find their way into hands of those who needed to receive their medicine. However, there has been a huge wave of of interest in these books both in Paperback and the Audio
Every day, people message me from all over the world, telling me that the books found THEM and that the words are the medicine they needed.
May you find your calling, may you open your heart to the divine unions, and may you show up in your wholeness and creativity. May you trust in YOURSELF and your divinity.

Awakening of the Western Woman
“Inspiring!! Absolutely love this book, the author and all of the wisdom shared. So sad the book came to an end! Such a joy listening”
“I stumbled across this beautiful book, well actually I was totally guided by the universe to purchase this book. I laughed, cried, and really felt her journey.”
“Louise Carron-Harris lays intimately and hilariously bare her journey”
“This is a story of trust, faith, courage and unity. And I was mesmerised from start to finish”
“I cried, I laughed & cried some more with pure happiness! Medicine to my soul. I took so much away with me after reading this book. I am in Awe”
“For anyone who is shrinking themselves or ignoring those growing inner nudges for fear of where life is taking them, or what challenges it will require them to overcome, let the words on these pages be a tonic to your soul and ignite the flame of courage in your heart.Above all, let it give you hope. That no matter what, everything is going to be alright”

Earth Chakra Shaman
“This is a real life Celestine Prophecy”
“For the lightworkers, shamans, priestesses, gridworkers, and angels waling this earth. this book it for you. This book is like a surrender experiment on steroids, Louise’s story of integrating family life with the dense reality with her path of service is what we all need more of
“This book spoke to me like no other has. To read Louise’s words of how the land calls her, literally wakes her up! It resonated with me so deeply as I experience this also”
“Another Amazing book that I wasn’t able to put down. It reminded me of the beauty in the universe and that nothing is a ‘Coincidence’.. Every thing happens for a reason”
“I would highly recommend Earth Chakra Shaman to all of you, who want to learn, to grow, to understand how the Earth looks after us and how we are all one. The book leaves you filled with love and eternity!”
“I was at the post office and the librarian came in, she said a new book has just arrived and she felt it was was I was looking for. It was this book! Hearing your story brought many emotions through me. Especially your portions of how your family stood beside you on your journey to shift the planetary energy”
“I devoured this book in two days, choosing to drive through the mountains & sit on beaches whilst I listened. I felt like I was on my own quest & listening brought me memories & medicine from deep within myself.”
“This book is beautiful & powerful. It reminded me of ‘The way of the Peaceful Warrior’ a long time favourite book – but better because our protagonist is a woman, a mother and telling us her story now; an incredibly courage human”