1-2-1 Sessions

Taking New Earth dreamers, builders and leaders on inner journeys to their authentic selves through shamanic wisdom, healing, ceremony and dance experiences.


” Louise empowers you to explore your shadows, giving you the courage to face your deepest fears and wounds whilst supporting you in a loving and judgement-free space”

On this Journey, we look deep into who you are becoming by gently and sacredly going into the dark places to bring out your gold, your own medicine for the world.

Each client’s 1-2-1 journey is unique. Each session may consist of shamanic energy medicine healing, sound and frequency healing, numerology, Gene keys, and Human Design: mentor-coaching, shamanic teachings and spiritual guidance.

“Working with Louise is an incredible journey that opens your mind, heart and soul to impossible things. I am forever grateful to have been guided with such love, generosity and understanding”  

Book a discovery call

“Louise has a huge capacity to hold very transformational, safe, non-judgmental spaces. She leads you through your deepest vulnerabilities into your greatest potential” 


“Working with Lou has had a profound effect on all areas of my life. She was able to get right to the heart of what needed to be healed by working intuitively, stripping away layers and revealing past wounds that I never realised would come up during our sessions”

The work I do is spiritual, however this is also a deeply psychological and practical journey. It requires the courage to look deeply at one’s programming, with rigorous self-analysis,  self-awareness, meditation and mindfulness.

Shamanic healing is often unexplainable, however my clients, tell me, when people ask them what I do, their response is “I don’t know what it is she does, but it works!” 

We rise into our personal power through our own healing, gaining the wisdoms we need for the next chapter of our lives. At certain points in our life cycles we find ourselves calling in a healer, teacher, mentor or therapist, who has embodied the medicine we need. This person will hold the light for us as we cross over the threshold into the next chapter of our life.

Our heart knows who that person is.
Your heart will know if I am your medicine woman. 


“Things from my past came up that I had never thought I would bring up, or hadn’t thought were big issues or relevant, and yet in facing these I was able to understand so much about myself and how these occurrences had impacted my behaviour throughout my life” 


Words cannot express my gratitude for this divine healing and the impact it has had on my work, home life, intimate relationships, and creativity. If you’re getting a nudge from the universe to ‘do the work’ and deal with your shadows, I highly recommend Lou’s services!”
