Earth Chakra Activation 12/12 – 21/12

To celebrate the launch of my second book ‘Earth Chaka Shaman’ it is my pleasure to offer you a whole week of  FREE gifts to prepare you for the biggest astrological event of humanity
Winter solstice 21/12/2020  & Saturn Jupiter Conjunction.

What a time to be alive!!!! 

Between 12/12 Portal and 21/12 I will be doing some
*Live sessions with free energy activations from the Earth Chakras to align you to the new frequencies of the Age of Aquarius.
*Free 4-day meditation programme
*A class on preparing for ceremony and the most
* 2 AMAZING  medicine dances to celebrate the launch of my book – like my mini launch party, but with an even deeper purpose – to awaken your inner rainbow warrior!

 Anyone who is curious or feels called to join is welcome to enjoy this week. You will be soul prepared,  your body grounded, your mind quietened and your inner guidance activated.

Most of all. we will have A LOT OF FUN!

This is about playfulness, passion, purpose and showing up in your personal power

LIVE Launch Date Master Class and Attunement
Connecting to self 7.30 – 8.30 pm

LIVE Sunday Morning Rave  – Medicine Dance 10 – 10.45 am

Day 1 Recorded Meditation Programme – Returning to your true self.

Day 2 Recorded Meditation Programme – Returning to your true self.

Day 3 Recorded Meditation Programme – Returning to your true self.

Day 4 Recorded Meditation Programme – Returning to your true self.

LIVE  New Earth Medicine Warrior Dance 8.30 -9.30pm


LIVE Connecting to the Land and grid, Preparing for Ceremony 8 pm – 8.30 pm

Recorded Earth Chakra Meditation

Saturn Jupiter Conjunction and Winter Solstice Ceremony (you will do this on your own lands)

Please fill in your details below to register.

Please note that by submitting your email address, you agree to receive electronic messages and other communications from Louise Carron Harris.