Global Online Medicine Dance

Gaia calls upon each of us for a significant grid activation on June 3 – wherever you are in the world, whatever the time… Will you rise with us at 7.15am BST for a 1 hour Global Medicine Dance on Zoom

Let’s dance on the earth, dance on her belly, dance in your pyjamas, in your bedroom, inside, outside, alone or with friends.. dance for healing, dance for joy, dance for the earth and the new dreams.. dance to honour your gifts, and dance for the liberation of all beings. Together, we can make a difference. 

Six planets are in planetary alignment on June 3, 2024! This is where we get to step into our devotion of the divine… of ourselves… and of the great global cosmos.

 Imagine the early morning sky on June 3, 2024. Six planets: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune – will align in a rare celestial dance. This alignment will be so precise that they appear all in a line. As a part of our community, you have the unique opportunity to celebrate this cosmic spectacle together!

The big event we are working with in this dance for the planetary will of Gaia, is the Jupiter-Pluto trine. The alignment of Jupiter and Pluto is not just a celestial event but a powerful force for personal growth and transformation. It is an auspicious time for manifesting changes that require deep empowerment and resilience.

Our dance, therefore, will be a focused effort towards the divine – empowering each human in their transitions and evolving consciousness – for the awakening consciousness of each individual brings a global change for the collective.

Dancing and song are the medicine of these times. When we dance, we release. When we release, we let go. When we let go, we are free. When we are free, we radiate joy. Bring your dance to the earth; bring your joy to the grid.

You can join the dance by paying what you can afford from these tiered offers: