New Earth Medicine Wheel: Shamanic Journey for Sacred Leaders 2025/26

Ancient ways for New Earth Leadership.

Are you called to the shamanic path
To deepen your wisdom and your healing,
To cultivate your courage and creativity,
To show up in your full personal power,
To stand in your own true medicine?

Take your place in these transformational times
The Earths Grid calls
As a Scared Leader for a New Earth.
Join me on the New Earth, Scared Leadership
Shamanic Medicine Wheel.

Your medicine is your gift to the world.

“Working my way around the medicine wheel has opened me up, thrown everything around and landed again. At points it’s been incredibly tough and I have seen real darkness but also the most incredible bright light. The women I have met inspire me and have taught me so much. I know each was on this journey with me for a reason and will be forever grateful to have met them” 

This Medicine Wheel is for the storytellers, the healers, the writers, the mothers, the mystics, the teachers, the artists, the entrepreneurs, the cooks, the caretakers, the stewards of the lands, the new leaders in business, enterprise, education, law, science and spirituality.

Dreaming the New Earth into being

“When I signed up for the Medicine Wheel I really had NO idea what the programme was about – I’d followed Lou on Instagram for a while, but other than thinking she seemed slightly bonkers for talking to the trees and the river! Nearly 12 months on, I am SO grateful for trusting the pull and the universe for leading me to her and the transformative experience it has been!” 

The world needs your Medicine Woman

The Medicine Wheel is a deep and profound journey, working with ancient shamanic tools to heal yourself and others.
It creates time and space for  you to cultivate the courage and wisdom to show up and take your place in the world… to share your medicine.  

The medicine wheel is a  journey of understanding and honouring your own path, purpose and personal power.
A journey of healing, raising your
consciousness and deepening your connection to the earth and to spirit. 

You will take your place within a small group of  women for 12 months.
You will be supported and held in sacred witnessing as you navigate the path of your soul service.
The journey is tender, beautiful and safe. There will be  lots of laugher, many tears and a lot of learning

It’s your stories, your healing, your wisdom and your relationship with Gaia, Great Spirit and yourself that is your medicine.

The medicine wheel is a shamanic path in 4 parts – 4 directions

2  x monthly Zoom meet-ups with the circle & Community

1  x weekend away


“Lou is a wise and magical teacher and the wheel is a profoundly magical experience that I would highly recommend to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of themselves and their relationship with this wonderful planet we are so blessed to live on.  A beautiful and unexpected gift for me has also been the depth of connection I have experienced with my wonderful Medicine Wheel sisters – they have brought me such learning, wisdom, joy and comfort in some really turbulent times over the last year and their unconditional love and support has been so valuable”

I carry the medicine of the 7 Earth Chakras and am initiated into the Q’ero lineage in Peru.

I pass on this medicine and lineage to you as we journey together on the wheel. You will be growing and working with you own medicine tool – your mesa, 13 medicine stones which will become a profound and beautiful part of you and your medicine throughout the wheel and your life beyond. 


The Medicine Wheel journey of sacred leadership is a rich learning experience. During the year you will learn many tools including growing your medicine mesa,  sacred ceremony, healing practices, shamanic journeying and working with spirit guides. You will also learn how to deeply connect with: who you are and why you are here; the living energy of the earth and the universe; the flow of the divine plan; the remembering of the old ways and of creating a future for the generations yet to come.


This course is a soul reminder of your mission,
your reason for being here and a deep honouring of yourself.

 “I really don’t want to leave the wheel and I know that my journey with my sisters and Lou is only just beginning.  To whoever is reading this, take the plunge – the gifts are enormous and the love & magic are real”

We are in the time of the great turning, where the way-showers and new earth creators rise and the old world crumbles.
You were born for these times, you came to become a weaver of the new earth.
We have been called to embody what it is to lead in a sacred way within our communities, organisations and within our own families. We are our medicine.
Our life, our relationships with ourselves, with others and with the earth, is our responsibility.
How we show up in the world is a reflection of the personal work we do and the legacy we leave behind.

What the medicine wheel has taught me is the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone, the importance of sisterhood – of connection with other females at a similar stage in life, the power of that is incredible. I’ve resisted that because it’s scared me and I think we’ve all recognised how our old stories have encouraged women to be suspicious of one another and compete against one another when we don’t need to. If the women of the world all helped each other and supported each other the way that we have done on this medicine wheel, then it would be just a completely different place.


There really are no words to describe the experience of the wheel but I come into the final few months knowing that I am unique, I am unstoppable, I have choices and this is my life. So simple and so beautiful.      


Find out more


A poem from a medicine woman after the wheel…

The medicine wheel she called to me,
She called me soft and low.
“Come to me, my love,” she called
“Come to me and grow.”

I took a breath, I took one more,
I stepped upon the wheel
With wide-eyed curiosity
To see what she’d reveal.

The south is where we see things
Without judgement, without fear.
We learn the ways to shed our past…
…I shed my whole career!

The west is for the shadows
Where we hide our buried gold.
I stepped in feeling nervous.
I stepped out feeling bold. 

The north she blows in stories
And we listen for the call.
Mine was unimaginable,
It stopped me feeling small. 

The East is where I’m soaring now
And dying to what was.
The perspective of my life has changed
And this is all because…

…the medicine wheel she called to me,
She called me soft and low.
“Come to me, my love,” she called
“Come to me and grow.”


“The first step in creating change, then, is to receive a vision that feels true. The second step is to heal the wounds and doubts that that vision illuminates. Without doing that, we will be conflicted, simultaneously enacting both the new story and the old one that accompanies the wounds. The thirst step is to bow into service to that which wants to be born. This process is not linear. Usually, the vision comes more and more into focus as we heal the doubts that obscure it; that, in turn, brings up new dimensions of the vision along with deeper wounds. The path of service is a path of self-realization.’
Charles Eisenstein